Friday 20 September 2013

Building for strike action in the South-West

Last night, I had the opportunity to take the train to Exeter to take part in a meeting of Devon NUT.

On the way, I had a chance to plagiarise some of the different reps' powerpoints being circulated to help build for the October action. My version - if it's of use to you - is on the Lewisham NUT website via:

As for Devon, I have to warn any DfE followers that, just as I found in the South-East earlier in the week, teachers in the South-West are not at all happy with Mr.Gove! 

NUT members made the same kind of points that are being made in meetings right across England, “we’re tired of being used as a political football”, “Gove wants to break the Union”, “we can’t afford NOT to strike” …

There was lots of discussion – both in the reps’ briefing and the National Officers Hustings – about how best to build the action needed to defeat Gove’s attacks. How should we appeal to parents for support? What are the key arguments that will convince colleagues to take action? What kind of action strategy do we need after October? How do we strengthen Union organisation in schools?

I felt that my call for bold leadership, going out to schools to encourage and inspire teachers to take part in a campaign of escalating strike action, struck a chord with many present.

I’m certainly pleased to report that the meeting voted to add Devon to the lengthening list of NUT associations nominating me to stand for National Vice-President in this term’s NUT National Officer elections. Other new nominations reported to me include Folkestone and District, Hertfordshire, Plymouth, Leicestershire, Notts City, Bromley and Rotherham.

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