Monday 20 July 2009

Stll battling against workload - time for a well-earned rest

We're finally into our last week of term but the calls keep coming into the Union office to be answered - advising on 'flexible working', preparing for an unfair dismissal tribunal case management discussion, supporting a teacher instructed to take down a Stonewall poster from a citizenship display (at a Catholic Academy if you're wondering), making sure an NQT gets the pay they're entitled to, reassuring a teacher threatened with a loss of a day's pay after being off for two weeks with swine flu and then going ill again (you can't make these things up!!) ...

The biggest issues have been at my own workplace in Catford where, with just days left of term, the timetable has finally been released for next year. As suspected, the proposed loading for a class teacher has gone up from 83% to 88%! A well-attended emergency meeting was held tonight and members supported my call to seek an urgent Regional Deputation at the beginning of term and to prepare a ballot to support members in refusing to accept the increased loadings.

At least the holidays are nearly upon us (or in some areas, already started!), giving time for teachers to recharge batteries that have long since run flat under the relentless workload we have all faced over the last year - workload that we have to tackle through the national campaign of action that I am arguing for in this election.

Let's all take a well-earned rest. I will return to the blog at the beginning of the autumn term.


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