Monday 23 August 2010

Join the Lobby of the TUC on Sept 12th

I hope teachers reading this post have had a good break - but here's an event that I hope you can support at the beginning of term.

It is obvious to all serious trade unionists that we need to urgently build national action against this Government's attacks. However, the TUC tops are still dragging their feet about even calling a national demonstration this year. That's why the National Shop Stewards Network, with the backing of the PCS and other unions, have called a Lobby of the TUC in Manchester. The Lobby will gather at 12:00 noon, Sunday 12th September at the Manchester Central Convention Complex.

The NSSN are appealing for maximum unity in defence of the public sector and the Lobby will support the PCS' call for a national demonstration on October 23rd, an approach supported by CWU and NUT, and further endorsed by general secretaries of FBU, BFAWU, NAPO, NUJ, POA, RMT, and URTU. However, the General Council has so far not gone for this initiative. Instead it has proposed a week of activities around the Comprehensive Spending Review including a lobby of parliament on 20th October. Whilst the NSSN will do everything to help make these events successful and lively, they are just not enough! A national demonstration is needed as a build-up to joint national strike action.

Support for the lobby is growing, with coaches being booked from across the country with the backing of Union branches and Trades Councils. With NUT branches not having met over the summer, it will be harder to get backing through NUT Associations beforehand, but I hope we can encourage teachers to attend. Coaches are being organised through a number of unions that NUT members may be able to join. Local details can be found through the NSSN by contacting

Martin PD

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