Sunday 9 September 2012

Trade unionists call on TUC to name next strike date

This afternoon, hundreds of trade unionists marched to lobby the Trades Union Congress in Brighton, coming from right across the country to support the event organised by the National Shop Stewards Network. The main demand of the Lobby was to call for co-ordinated strike action and for unions to act together and call a 24 hour General Strike.

At the packed NSSN rally, Mark Serwotka made clear that the PCS would call its members out on national strike action if the teaching unions named the day for another national strike. 

Bob Crow from the RMT explained that he would be seconding a motion from the POA calling on the TUC to make plans for a General Strike. The General Council had been spilt 16-16 at its earlier meeting to consider voting recommendations on the POA motion - but with UNISON still undecided. To cheers, it was announced that the UNISON delegation had voted to back this motion - so listen out for more news from Brighton!

UPDATE 11.9.12: The POA motion calling for "coordinated action where possible with far reaching campaigns including the consideration and practicalities of a general strike" was overwhelmingly passed with the NUT amongst the majority of TUC delegates voting in favour. Unfortunately, the NASUWT not only voted against, but also spoke against the motion. In essence, as far as I can see from reports, the NASUWT General Secretary argued that a serious campaign of strike action would lose teachers public support. This is not only wrong, it raises real concerns about the seriousness with which the NASUWT leadership takes the idea of agreeing dates with the NUT for a programme of co-ordinated strike action. Rank-and-file members of both unions urgently need to keep up the pressure for unions to set a date for joint national strike action.

See further reports on the NSSN website:

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