Sunday 9 October 2016

London's teachers and families need genuinely affordable homes

In preparation for speaking at the Policy Forum for London Seminar on 'Policy Priorities for Housing in London' this week, I have produced a short presentation setting out why urgent action is needed to tackle London's housing crisis.

The key points are:
  • London's housing crisis is putting our school success at risk - teachers are being priced out of London
  • 30% of Outer London's secondary schools already have temporary vacancies - when more teachers are needed
  • Median house prices in Inner London are EIGHTEEN times higher than a teacher's starting salary
  • More of London's young teachers are living with their parents than are buying a property
  • An Outer London teacher's starting salary only leaves them £63 a week to live on after paying a median rent
  • Most young teachers live in the private rented sector - but many face cramped, stressful and insecure conditions
  • Long working days mean teachers can't move too far away from their workplaces to find cheaper housing
  • So 60% of London's young teachers say they will be leaving the capital - most blame London's housing costs
  • In some London boroughs, two-thirds of teachers are now under 40 - older teachers are leaving London
  • London needs urgent action to provide genuinely affordable homes. The NUT calls for rent controls and investment for councils to build homes.
I have pasted the slides below and uploaded the presentation for discussions on housing in NUT Division and School meetings. The facts speak for themselves:

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