Tuesday 12 May 2009


We are writing to you to ask that you put forward Martin Powell-Davies, our Lewisham NUT Secretary, as one of your two nominations for NUT Vice-President.

These are just some of the reasons why we believe Martin deserves your support:

Since becoming Divisional Secretary in 1994, Martin has doubled the membership of Lewisham NUT. This has been achieved through a combination of dedication, negotiating skills, a very good grasp of issues, tact, good humour and sheer hard work. He has considerable TV, radio and press experience and his speaking skills will be well-known to all who have attended NUT Annual Conference.

Martin has an excellent grasp of the history, theory and practice of education, both in Britain and abroad. His continued work as a secondary science teacher, combined with his role as NUT and Joint Union Side Secretary, means that he also has a clear understanding of the many issues that weigh down on teachers.

Martin has spoken at many association meetings across the country. He understands staff concerns from small rural primaries to those of inner-city comprehensives. As President, he would make an excellent ambassador for the Union, across England & Wales, overseas, and across the trade union movement.

Martin is sincere in what he says and does. He wholeheartedly supports the comprehensive system, equality of opportunity for all, a broad curriculum that gives a real chance for every child to learn and prosper, and campaigns to defend the pay, rights and conditions of all teachers and for an end to excessive testing and our intolerable workload.

Those of you who only know Martin from Annual Conference will know that he has consistently campaigned for national action on workload, conditions and pay. We believe that having Martin’s input as a National Officer on the National Executive will add real strength to the Union in developing a strategy to defend education.

There’s no doubting that Martin is a socialist and proud of it. His commitment has earned respect from teachers from many different political views. Some factions on the Left have consistently appeared to oppose Martin holding National Office. We don’t understand why. All we know is that Martin is an honourable man who faithfully represents the views of his members when mandated to do so; a man who is not afraid to speak out against inequality wherever he finds it and a man who is personally involved in many campaigns to oppose injustice and to defend teachers.

A Reliable President
Finally, can we just say that Martin has a genuine gift for friendship, has been a loyal friend to countless members and non-members, and, as President will enhance the NUT’s relationship within trade unionism and in wider arenas.

Alison Long Ed Sweatman Lawrence Stevens
Assistant Secretary President, Treasurer, Lewisham NUT

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