Promoted by David Beale, 36 Pleasant View, Withnell, Chorley PR6 8SE on behalf of Martin Powell-Davies of TUSC.

Saturday 16 May 2009

Stand firm as recession bites

SMITTEN WITH ‘THE MARKET’, MANY OF OUR MPs have long abandoned any principles over comprehensive education (not to mention their expenses!).

Now Ministers claim that the break up of democratic Local Authority schools into a series of competing Academies and Trusts is the way forward. Yet the chaos that such a ‘market’ brings to the economy is clear.

THE UNION HAS TO DEFEND COMPREHENSIVE EDUCATION with all its strength. The local strike action taken to oppose Academies is an important step. Lewisham NUT has been campaigning with parents, and in the local community, against plans to develop Trust schools.

NOW THE SAME MARKET HAS BROUGHT RECESSION, we will be told there is no money to reduce workload. We should not accept their argument.

£ Billions were found to bail out failing banks. But those resources should be spent on public services. Recruiting and training teachers would create graduate jobs, cut class sizes and boost the economy.

WE WILL HAVE TO BE READY FOR MORE ATTACKS on school budgets and on our pensions. We need to prepare for joint action with other trade unions as we did in the last pensions battle. Unions also need to be ready to challenge our failed politicians at the ballot box too

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