Promoted by David Beale, 36 Pleasant View, Withnell, Chorley PR6 8SE on behalf of Martin Powell-Davies of TUSC.

Sunday 22 May 2016

Five reasons to look out for your ballot paper and VOTE YES

1. Relentless workload and ‘payment-by-results’ are already driving too many teachers out of the profession. VOTE YES to say ‘enough is enough’. 

2. A system that sets out to ‘fail’ children, schools and Local Authorities threatens both teachers and the children we teach. VOTE YES to stop things getting even worse. 

3. The pay and conditions documents that still apply to teachers in most schools - including academies - are under threat. VOTE YES to demand national collective bargaining to protect and improve pay and conditions. 

4. School budgets face significant cuts. VOTE YES to demand all schools have the funds to improve pay and conditions, instead of having to cut them. 

5. The Government has been forced to rethink – but they still hope to press ahead with more cuts, deregulation and forced academisation. VOTE YES because, together, we can make this Government pull back much more. 

So how do I vote? 

Ballot papers are being sent to the home address listed for you on the NUT National Database on Monday 23 May. They should arrive by Thursday. Just place a cross in a box and return your ballot paper in the envelope provided.  

Send off your vote before you forget – and encourage your NUT colleagues to do the same. 

What if I want more information before I vote? 

Watch this video, explaining why your pay and conditions are at risk:

Look on the Campaigns section of the NUT website for more information: 

Still not sure? We’re happy to answer any queries that you might have about the ballot. Email your question to the National Union at

What if I haven’t received a ballot paper? 

If you still haven’t had a ballot paper by Thursday 26 May, ring the ballot hotline on 020 7380 6300 quoting your name and membership number.

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