Promoted by David Beale, 36 Pleasant View, Withnell, Chorley PR6 8SE on behalf of Martin Powell-Davies of TUSC.

Sunday 5 March 2017

Teachers say Stop the Cuts in Education, Health and Social Care

NUT members were proud to take part in yesterday's massive '#OurNHS' demonstration in London. 

Estimates of the turnout have even been put as high as 250,000. It was the biggest ever march to defend the National Health Service. 'Health Campaigns Together' must be congratulated on building such a large turnout. The National NUT agreed a donation to HCT to help meet the costs of the demo and many local NUT Divisions helped support local coaches that poured into Euston from all over the country.

Speakers in Parliament Square included Mark Serwotka and Jeremy Corbyn. HCT speakers raised the idea of going back from the demonstration to build a national day of action with massive local demonstrations in all 44 STP 'footprint' areas, perhaps on 1 May.

For a quick video of the NUT on the march:

For a nurse explaining the attacks on the NHS and what needs to be done to defeat them:

The same attacks are being made on the NHS and on Education - cuts and privatisation creating serious threats to services for local communities and serious attacks on pay and conditions for the staff who work to provide them.

Let's keep building the campaigns and action needed to fight these cuts. As yesterday's fantastic march showed, as well as the great turnout at many local 'Fair Funding for All Schools' meetings recently, if a clear campaign is built, public support will be with us to defend Health, Education and all the gains won in the past that the Tories now want to take away from us.

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