Sunday 15 May 2011

YOU can help win the ballot

Need a powerpoint to help explain the issues? - why not download my version from the  Lewisham NUT website

Don’t just think about returning your own YES vote - make sure all your colleagues are voting too!

The National Union will be helping to encourage a big turnout with mailings, phone messages and texts. But there’s no substitute for personal contact.

Here’s a few ideas that you can try:
    Keep a register! Make a list of NUT and ATL members in your school.    Tick-off who has received their ballot paper, and who has sent it back. Keep on badgering until everyone has voted!
    Phone a friend: Remind your facebook friends, text and e-mail your colleagues in other schools, drop by at lunchtime.
    Sign the Pledge: Put a poster on your staffroom noticeboard and get everyone to sign-up to show their support.
    Bring in your votes: call a school NUT meeting to discuss why NOW is the time to act. If colleagues also bring  in their ballot papers, reps can also be sure that the votes have been posted.

Not got your ballot paper? CALL THE NUT BALLOT HOTLINE:  020 7380 6300

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