Thursday 10 April 2014

Re-elected to the NUT National Executive - Thank You!

As I was being shown around a fantastic newly-built Norwegian kindergarten school this morning, and discussing how young children learn best through play, my mobile phone started to beep!

First, a text came confirming that I have been re-elected to the NUT National Executive for the Inner London District. My thanks to all those who supported me, particularly those reps who helped appeal for NUT members to vote to support my stand. A particular thank you goes out to the teachers who helped stuff envelopes for my school mailing and to the colleagues from my own school who volunteered to distribute my campaign leaflets on the March 26th demonstration in London.

The toddlers' sleeping room at the kindergarten !!

After that, the phone kept beeping - with news of victories for other candidates supporting LANAC's camapign for a calendar of national action. I will get the full story when I return to London tonight but it seems clear that teachers have sent a message in this election that they want their Union to take a firmer stand to defend teachers and education.

"We are playing on the same team - Learning, Responsibility, Joy"

Initial reports suggest that candidates successfully elected to the new NUT National Executive for 2014-16 include: 

Martin Powell-Davies (Inner London)
Peter Glover (Merseyside / Cheshire)
Jane Nellist (West Midlands)
Phil Clarke (South East)
Liam Conway (Notts / Derby )

From the Norwegian TV news - a warning from England

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