Sunday 7 December 2014

NUT to carry out indicative strike ballot at five Lewisham schools

Between now and the end of term, the NUT will be conducting an indicative strike ballot of members in five Lewisham schools where the Union fears that a change of employer will be imposed through a change to Academy status.

As the covering letter  to NUT members explains, "if the outcome of the ballot is successful and the dispute remains unresolved (i.e. we are not given a guarantee that the school will not be converting to an Academy), a formal ballot of members may then be necessary early in the New Year".

The schools where the ballot will be conducted are:
  • Bonus Pastor, 
  • Prendergast Hilly Fields, 
  • Prendergast Ladywell Fields, 
  • Prendergast Vale,
  • Sedgehill.

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