Sunday 25 January 2015

CELEBRATE: Greek vote is a massive rejection of austerity

Join with TUSC and celebrate outside the Greek embassy on Monday, 26/1/15 at 6pm (1A Holland Park, London W11 3TP)

Discuss what the election results mean in Greece - and in Britain - at a Lewisham TUSC meeting this Thursday, 29/1/15 at 7.30 pm (All Saints Community Centre, SE14 5DJ)

Watch Paul Murphy, Anti Austerity Alliance TD for Dublin South West, reporting from Athens:

The massive vote for SYRIZA in Greece has been a huge rejection of 'austerity'. Their victory - although they have to secure a majority of seats - opens a new chapter in the battle to build a political alternative to cuts and the rule of the super-rich, one that inevitably leaves many questions still to answer (as this interview with a Greek socialist and friend, makes clear:

However, first of all, anyone who has watched their lives get worse as big business political parties have inflicted their cuts upon us, should celebrate SYRIZA's success! 

Those pro-cuts parties, not least PASOK, Greece's equivalent of the Labour Party, have been dealt a shattering blow by the Greek electorate, people who have suffered atrociously at the hands of the European bankers and their political representatives. ( For example, use your browser to translate this article about the effect of cuts on the Health Service in Greece: )

As a Press Release just issued by the Socialist Party states: “Since the onset of the economic crisis, we have argued that austerity is not necessary. This election result in Greece will give hope to millions of people across Europe and the world that there is an alternative to the promise of endless cuts and privatisation.

The Socialist Party is part of the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition which aims to stand 1,000 candidates in May’s local council elections and to challenge for 100 Westminster seats.

The line in the sand is austerity. What makes TUSC candidates and councillors different is that they will not collaborate with Tory cuts. That is the type of representation working people and all those hit by austerity need and deserve. That is why we celebrate the Greek result and why we will fight tooth and nail to offer a no-cuts choice in Britain.”

TUSC is standing to offer the only consistent voice against cuts and austerity in the UK General Election in 2015. Come and join us on:
  • Monday, outside the Greek Embasy in London
  • Thursday, at Lewisham TUSC's meeting discussing the results of the Greek elections and what it means for this May's elections 

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