Promoted by David Beale, 36 Pleasant View, Withnell, Chorley PR6 8SE on behalf of Martin Powell-Davies of TUSC.

Thursday 17 November 2011

NUT Executive builds for November 30 - and beyond

A special meeting of the NUT Executive this afternoon was given a list - a growing list - of all the unions declaring for action on November 30:

With NAPO and the NASUWT soon to declare as well, no wonder the Government is worrying at the effect of millions of trade unionists taking action together to defend their pensions and to stand up to the Government's cuts. The PCS website lists even more - with a total of 28 unions taking action !

One of the latest ballot results to be declared was from NUT members employed in local authority support and advisory services who are members of  the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS). They gave a resounding endorsement for strike action to defend their pensions with  82.2% of NUT members voting in favour of strike action with a turnout of 40.6%. They join NUT members in schools and colleges who have already taken strike action on 30 June.
The Union's recent electronic survey of members had also confirmed the overwhelming support of NUT members for the Union's campaign:
  • 98% agreed that teachers shouldn't be expected to work to age 68 to get a full pension;
  • 97% agreed that it was unfair to be told we should pay 50% more for our pension; and,
  • 98% agreed that the Government's offer does not go far enough to settle the pensions dispute.

The Government are starting to wobble - but we are going to keep applying the pressure. The Executive agreed that we should talk to other unions and the TUC about a programme of action for next term including rolling strikes and other possible action. I proposed an amendment, that was unanimously supported, also stressing that, as part of that programme, we should consider "at least a further day of national action in the Spring Term".

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