Wednesday 23 November 2011

Solid support for action on November 30

Our ring-round of school reps in Lewisham is showing an excellent response from NUT members to the strike-call for November 30.

As usual, the memnbership in bigger schools is solid but the two emails below also show the level of determination in smaller Voluntary-Aided primary schools as well:

Our school will be closed. Everyone except one teacher has opted for strike action. As a matter of principle we have to stand together. I am proud that our members opted for it even though some were wary about the money they would lose.
Please mention the sacrifice that a lot of the mostly female/young teachers made. Three of the teachers at my school are mums and only work 3 or 4 days. Three other teachers are young ones in their first or second year of teaching, one of them due on maternity leave, so on lower salaries. I know we are fighting mainly for their future but it will be encouraging for them to be acknowledged.


Hi Martin, The Head said we must all tell her what we are doing on N30 by today. So we all did, to tell her we are all out! The Head then sent a letter home to parents and told them we are all out!

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