Monday 20 February 2012

Build a big turnout for a big YES vote on pensions

Crown Woods NUT group in Greenwich were first off the mark today with an after-school NUT meeting to discuss the pensions campaign straight after the half-term break.

The mood of the meeting was clear - that NUT members couldn't possibly accept the 'Heads of Agreement' as anywhere near good enough to settle our dispute. In that case, we also had to continue to take further action.

That's why the meeting agreed to build for the biggest turnout possible for a 'YES,YES' vote in the pensions survey. Here's a few ideas they came up with:

* Staff volunteered to get out the vote in specific departments - rather than leave it all to one rep
* Some suggested organising a 'voting party' with a few lunchtime refreshments - where staff can bring in their ballot papers, discuss the issues, and then vote right away
* They might arrange to meet in an IT room (be careful with the refreshments!) so that staff can see the shocking figures on the 'pensions loss calculator' ( ) - then vote via internet or text straight away.

Make plans in your school and Association - let's show the strength of support for further action!

I also distributed copies of the latest 'Classroom Teacher' to help convince colelagues why we need to vote for further action. You can download a copy of the latest 'Pensions Survey edition' via:

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