Promoted by David Beale, 36 Pleasant View, Withnell, Chorley PR6 8SE on behalf of Martin Powell-Davies of TUSC.

Saturday 4 February 2012

Pensions - How much do you stand to lose ?

The newly updated NUT pensions loss calculator gives teachers the true facts about what the pensions 'Heads of Agreement' will really mean - and that's still 'pay more, get less, retire older'.

For me, even with some of the promised 'protection' in place for older teachers, it means:

* PAY MORE: a pay cut of £48 per month from April rising to £123 from April 2014.

* RETIRE OLDER: a normal pensions age of 67 (that's gone up from 66 thanks to Osborne's announcement in his 'Autumn Statement' of accelerated increases in the State Pension Age - and who's to say they won't push it up further still if they think they can get away with it?)

* GET LESS: £447 cut from my annual pension if I retire at 60 (and who can work on longer than that given the pressures in our schools?), £91,000 stolen from me over my retirement.

How much will YOU lose (if we don't fight on to improve this rotten 'deal' ) ?

Find out on:

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