Saturday 23 June 2012

NUT Ballot papers have arrived - VOTE YES YES


Every NUT member needs to look out for their ballot paper and send back a YES YES vote straightaway!

If a ballot paper hasn't arrived at their home address by Wednesday June 27, members should ring the ballot hotline on 020 7380 6300 or email

The information with the ballot paper gives five very good reasons for voting YES to strike action - and YES to non-strike action too:

1) Teacher workload is far too high and rising - with current stress levels, working as a teacher until the age of 68, 69 or 70 just can't be done.

2) Much of this workload is generated by unnecessary and burdensome accountability.
Teachers face too many observations and inspections.

3) Performance Management should be supportive and developmental
. It should not be a means to undermine teachers.

4) Pay and conditions should not be decided school by school. A national system, for maintained schools and academies alike, is fairer for teachers and children.

5) Freezing pay and threatening your spine points is unacceptable
. Especially at a time when the Government is increasing your pension contributions whilst refusing to carry out the long overdue valuation of the Teachers Pensions Scheme.

The accompanying letter also makes clear that the NUT is 'keeping pensions centre stage'
: "This ballot is aimed at winning back the conditions teachers need to be successful in the classroom and at defending the profession against the threats to our national pay arrangements. The pensions campaign will continue in tandem with this and any action taken on pensions is covered by our previous ballot".

So call on all your colleagues:

  • Vote YES to strike action. 
  • Vote YES to non-strike action too.
  • Call for joint national strike action early next term to defend pensions, pay and conditions!

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