Sunday 17 June 2012

Video Report from NSSN 2012 Conference

Last weekend, two of the most militant trade union leaders, PCS general secretary Mark Serwotka, and Alex Gordon, President of the rail union RMT, addressed around 500 workplace reps assembled in Friends Meeting House in London Euston for the sixth annual National Shop Stewards Network conference.

The video report can be found on:

Introducing the first discussion, The Fightback against Austerity, Mark Serwotka, alongside NUT deputy general secretary Kevin Courtney, BMA member Dr Jackie Grunskill, and from Northern Ireland the newly elected NIPSA president Padraig Mulholland, emphasised the unprecedented nature of the attacks in this period, concluding that "normal rules of engagement do not apply".

RMT president Alex Gordon addresses the afternoon session, Workers in Struggle, alongside POA chair PJ McParlin, Youth Fight for Jobs activist Jacqui Berry, Remploy trade unionist Ray Ludford and Steve Kelly, Unite National Rank and File Electricians Committee.

Speakers from the floor gave valuable elaboration on recent workplace disputes, including on the construction workers victory against the BESNA threatened cuts of 35% MMP in Bootle, Coryton refinery, Honda, Ratcliffe-on-Soar and Sheffield recycling centres.

- and there's a few words from me towards the end of the video!  


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