Promoted by David Beale, 36 Pleasant View, Withnell, Chorley PR6 8SE on behalf of Martin Powell-Davies of TUSC.

Saturday 8 March 2014

Standing Up For Education

Across England and Wales, NUT Associations took to the streets today to take our message to the public about how Gove and this Government are damaging education.

On our stall in Lewisham, and I am sure repeated elsewhere, support from the public was strong. Parents commented on the lack of school places and the pressure of testing on their youngsters. Many expressed anger at how this Government seemed only interested in helping the wealthy through privatisation.

Several people spoke about  friends or relatives who were teachers and how people needed to understand how hard they worked. One young man explained how his partner had qualified to be a teacher but decided against finding a job because of the workload she knew she would face in teaching. She certainly isn't alone in making that decision.

Teachers should take heart at the public support - support which we have found whenever we have taken strike action.
Campaign stalls like this are vital to get our message across but we also have to remember that it will be our strike action that has the strength to really make politicians take note.

As we build for national action on March 26, any uncertainty in the messages we give to our members would be unforgiveable. When the NUT Executive meets for a special meeting next week, the conclusion must be to firmly and determinedly build for the strongest possible strike on March 26 - and to prepare for further action next term until we win real gains over pay, pensions and workload.

As today's stalls have shown, a determined stand will get wider support from a public angry at a Government that is attacking all our services and our children's education.

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