Promoted by David Beale, 36 Pleasant View, Withnell, Chorley PR6 8SE on behalf of Martin Powell-Davies of TUSC.

Friday 16 December 2011

Act Now to Stop a Pensions Sell-Out

With perhaps predictable timing, just as we all head for a well-earned Christmas break, it seems that, despite the opposition of the NUT and others including the PCS and NASUWT, some TUC leaders are seeking to cave-in and sign an unacceptable attack on our pensions.

They would be guilty of accepting a pensions robbery which, just two weeks ago, we were all united in saying was unjustified and unacceptable. 

They will demoralise and undermine our united movement and invite the Government to go on the attack on jobs, facility time, TUPE, pay bargaining, capability procedures - and all the other attacks that they have lined up. 

Please help apply urgent pressure to make sure that negotiators do not cave-in but show the same courage and determination as their members showed in their millions on November 30.

A) I understand unions will be calling a Lobby of the TUC meeting planned for Monday afternoon (Dec 19th). This is where a decision could be taken to accept the shoddy deal. 

THE LOBBY WILL START AT 2.00 pm at Congress House, 23-28 Great Russell Street, WC1B. Please attend if you can!

B) Please sign the e-petition put out by the National Shop Stewards Network calling for a rejection of the deal and for further united action in January:

C) Please support and publicise the emergency open meeting being called by PCS Left Unity at Friends Meeting House, Euston Road, London on Saturday 7 January to demand further action on pensions.

This meeting will be open to all reps in any union that took action on N30 and is to put pressure on union leaderships to name a further strike day, more details will be issued shortly.

D) Please support other similar initiatives - such as the letter being signed by London NUT branch secretaries - and forward these appeals to friends and colleagues.

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