Monday 19 December 2011

NUT Pensions Statement - NUT have NOT signed up to any deal

Update: I understand that four education unions refused to sign the deal today but are all 'reserving their position' until talks continue in the New Year - that's NASUWT, UCAC and UCU as well as the NUT.

NUT PRESS RELEASE: Teachers’ Pension Scheme - talks to continue in the New Year

Commenting on the latest round of Teachers’ Pension Scheme talks, Christine Blower, General Secretary of the National Union of Teachers, the largest teachers’ union said:

“Following lengthy discussions today the NUT was not able to sign up to the Government’s headline proposals. There was insufficient progress in terms of the Government’s position that teachers should work longer, pay more and get less.

In the NUT we reserved our position due to lack of progress but also the lack of documentation in certain critical areas.

“The NUT National Executive will meet in January to take a view on progress in the negotiations and next steps in our campaign.

“The Union remains committed to negotiations and will take part in talks in the New Year.

The following message will also be going on to NUT members tomorrow:

Pensions latest – update on talks with Government

Dear colleague

Despite the lengthy discussions over the last few days, the current proposals from the Government still do not address all of the NUT’s concerns. The Government still wants you to work longer, pay more and get less.

Under these circumstances the NUT has not been able to sign up to the Government’s headline proposals. In the New Year we expect to receive further documentation from the Government, which we hope will clarify the latest offer. We will keep you fully informed of how these proposals will impact on your pension entitlements.

The NUT will continue to represent your interests in the negotiations, as well as pursuing the court case over the RPI/CPI change.

Your National Executive will meet in January (January 12) to take a view on progress in the negotiations so far and next steps in our campaign, including any further proposals on industrial action.

Thanks to the many thousands of NUT members who signed Christmas postcards to Michael Gove. I was proud to deliver those to the DfE yesterday, with our Deputy General Secretary, Kevin Courtney. That so many of you signed them is a clear sign of the strength of feeling in the profession. Even since yesterday more than a 1,000 more signatures have arrived at our head office. Please see our website for a picture of yesterday’s hand-in of the postcards at the DfE.
Please continue to check the NUT website and follow us on Twitter at for more information on the pensions campaign in the New Year.

I wish you a very well-deserved holiday.

With best wishes for Christmas and the New Year.

Yours sincerely

Christine Blower
NUT General Secretary

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