Friday 16 December 2011

Sign to say: Don't give up the pensions fight

Here are links to two statements circulating - please add your support: 

E-petition from the National Shop Stewards Network
Add your signature on:

We the undersigned:

Recognise that the magnficent N30 strike showed the potential power of public sector workers to defeat the government.

We reject Maude's latest pensions proposals which will mean all public sector workers having to work longer, pay more, and get less.

We say no to secret deals by union leaders over the heads of the membership. We demand democratic control of the negotiations.

We demand that the date is set for the next co-ordinated public sector strike early in the New Year. UNISON Scotland has already proposed 25 January as the date of the next strike.

Statement initiated by NUT and UCU Executive members:
Add your signature on

The government’s “final offer” is no improvement. There is no extra money on offer. The government still wants public sector workers to work longer, pay more and get less.

They haven’t moved on core issues:
* Fifty percent rise in pension contributions.
* Normal pension age to rise to the state retirement age. Retirement at 68 for those 34 and under.
* Pensions indexed at CPI instead of RPI. A cut for all existing pensioners.

We agree with those union general secretaries who are against accepting this offer. We ask all union general secretaries, if is was right to strike against these proposals on November 30th how it can be right to accept them now?

Ordinary trade union members have demonstrated their determination to resist these unfair and unnecessary changes; we call on our trade union leaders to reject the Government's bullying tactics and reject their unacceptable offer.

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