Promoted by David Beale, 36 Pleasant View, Withnell, Chorley PR6 8SE on behalf of Martin Powell-Davies of TUSC.

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Lewisham NUT calls for action in June

A packed General Meeting of Lewisham NUT met last night to hear a report from Conference NUT delegates. In support of their strike action on May 10, we agreed to send £100 each to the local branches of PCS, UCU and UNITE Health. But we also agreed that the best solidarity we can show is to take action ourselves in June, in line with Conference policy!

The meeting also formally backed the Local Associations' National Action Conference in Liverpool on June 16, increasing the proposed number of Lewisham delegates from five to seven as there was such strong support for building the event:

The following motion was unanimously agreed:

This Association notes that:
1.       over 150 Conference delegates attended meetings under the banner of 'Local Associations for National Action on Pensions' to discuss the pensions campaign and prepare an amendment to the priority motion calling for the Union to urgently announce a calendar of action;
2.       many delegates went away from the pensions debate confused and unclear about the Union's message to members and exactly what delegates should report to the wider membership;
3.       even though a Special  Meeting of the Executive was held on April 26, no dates for further NUT action have yet been agreed or announced;

This Association calls on the Executive at its next meeting on May 10th to:
1.                    carry through the clear instructions from Conference:
a)    to work with divisions and associations with the aim of organising a further one day strike before the end of June 2012;
b)    to approach other unions who have not accepted the Government’s final proposals to seek support for this plan of action as the basis of an agreed plan of co-ordinated action next term, and to urgently announce the confirmed calendar of action;
c)     while recognising the clear benefits of joint action by teacher unions, resolving that we cannot make the we cannot make the willingness of the NASUWT to take part as a necessary requirement before proceeding to call further strike action
2.           announce a calendar of action that makes it clear to Union members – and to the government – that we are serious about winning this battle, including urgently calling a further day of national strike action in June.

This Association resolves to:
1.         support the initiative being taken by 'Local Associations for National Action on Pensions' and promote the work of this group to local members;
2.       sponsor its Local Associations Conference on Saturday 16 June in Liverpool with a donation of £100 and by sending seven delegates to the Conference
3.        additionally send up to five delegates to the National Shop Stewards Network Conference in London on Saturday 9 June to discuss joint action with other union reps
4.       send solidarity and support to trade unionists taking national action in defence of pensions on May 10th and to support the Lobby of the DfE being held that evening.  

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