Promoted by David Beale, 36 Pleasant View, Withnell, Chorley PR6 8SE on behalf of Martin Powell-Davies of TUSC.

Saturday 19 May 2012

Academies battles - support Downhills strike on Tuesday

Here are some important updates from the Anti-Academies Alliance:

Downhills family picnic and fun day to support teachers’ strike on May 22

Save Downhills School
“The NUT have balloted teachers at Downhills and they have unanimously voted to take sustained and discontinuous strike action in relation to the proposed transfer of staff employment. Unison members at the school are also being balloted around taking action. The NUT are now taking their first strike day on Tuesday 22nd May, and the school will be closed as a result of that action. The Save Downhills Campaign fully support our teachers and are planning to hold an event in the local park for all of our teachers, parents and children as well as community supporters.”

Please rush messages of support to the strike:
Haringey NUT –
Phil Brett NUT rep at Downhills -

Downhills teachers to strike against forced academy
Teachers gear up to strike against forced academies

Kingsthorpe College teachers to strike against academy proposal

NUT members at Kingsthorpe College,Northampton will be striking on Wednesday 23rd May against the proposal to transfer their employment to the Collaborative Academies Trust, the ‘non profit’ arm of Edison Learning. 

Messages of support to the NUT Rep at Kingsthorpe College
Kingsthorpe College teachers to strike against academy proposal

Birmingham resists forced academies

The ballot of NASUWT and NUT members in 15 primary schools in Birmingham, all threatened with being forced to become academies, is on-going.
Read the NUT press release and NASUWT press release.
We have produced a Birmingham Anti Academies Alliance newspaper – “Save Birmingham Schools, No to Forced Academies” which is being distributed to parents and staff at the schools Gove is targetting.

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