Promoted by David Beale, 36 Pleasant View, Withnell, Chorley PR6 8SE on behalf of Martin Powell-Davies of TUSC.

Monday 23 April 2012

Lewisham NUT Reps Say YES to National Action on Pensions

Before completing the latest NUT Divisional Secretaries' survey on pensions action, I wanted to consult with NUT Reps in Lewisham over their views on three key questions. 32 have responded ( 13 primary, 13 secondary, 6 special ). Although a small sample, the responses give a clear enough picture: 
  • The vast majority of reps responding to the survey believe that members WILL support further action but there is a clear preference for National Action over Regional Action.
  • Over four-fifths of Lewisham reps responding think that NUT members would take strike action with or without the NASUWT
  • A third of replies support taking action on May 10 AND in June as well. While there are a range of views over what should or should not come first, over four-fifths support national action in June.
QUESTION ONE: If Lewisham NUT members were asked to take further action on a regional basis, which of these responses most clearly reflects the response of most NUT members in your school: 

Would definitely take part in another regional strike like March 28 19%
Would take part, but only if it was part of a program of rolling strikes in other regions too 8%
Would reluctantly take part but would prefer to take part in national strike action 42%
Would take part in a national strike but unlikely to take part in a further regional strike 28%
Would be unlikely to take part in a further regional or national strike 3%

The vast majority of reps believe that members WILL support further action but there is a clear preference for National Action over Regional Action. A typical comment from a primary rep, based on the experience of the London action on March 28, was: "We would prefer to go for ongoing national action as we think we really need to try to have an impact to get the issue on the national news, which the recent regional strike seemed not to manage to do".
QUESTION TWO: How much difference do you think it would make to most NUT members in your school if the NASUWT again refuse to join in our next action?

It would make little difference to most members whether the NASUWT are striking or not 31%
NASUWT involvement would be helpful but most NUT members would still strike if they don't 53%
NASUWT involvement would make a big difference. Only a minority of NUT members will strike without NASUWT involvement. 13%
Most NUT members are unlikely to strike again without the NASUWT striking too 3%

Over four-fifths of Lewisham reps think that NUT members would take strike action with or without the NASUWT. While most reps think NASUWT involvement would be helpful, another comment from a primary rep sums up the majority view "Obviously co-ordinated action is better but we should not be hamstrung by reluctance on the part of other unions".

QUESTION THREE: Please choose the response that best matches what you think we could achieve in your school if further action is called this term? 

Members would be unlikely to support strike action again this term 11%
Members would want to see other regions taking action first then national action in June 17%
Members would support national action in May alongside other unions - but not again in June 6%
Members would support taking national action again in June - but not on May 10 33%
Members would support taking action on May 10 - and a further day of national action in June 33%

A third of reps support taking action on May 10 AND in June as well. While there are a range of views over what should or should not come first, over four-fifths support national action in June. Some reps referred to the policy unanimously agreed at the Lewisham NUT AGM calling on the Union to support “an escalating program of national action in the summer term and beyond, including considering action of more than one day's duration”

As with all data, it's easy to draw the conclusion you already favour from any set of statistics - but these responses - and the experience of the London strike - confirm my view that this Thursday's NUT Executive needs to:

1) Announce that the NUT is taking a programme of ongoing pensions action this term and beyond, with the programme emphasising national strikes rather than regional ones.

2) Seek to co-ordinate our action with other unions, including the NASUWT, but to proceed with the support of the 'willing', not be held back by those unions who are not prepared to act this term.
3) Announce definite proposed dates for further strike days this term - certainly a national strike of 1 or 2 days in June and at least regional - if not national - action alongside the PCS and others on May 10th.
4) In the light of decisions taken by Conference on a range of other key issues, also make preparations for a new ballot, that could include strike and non-strike action, which enables the Union to respond to these other threats.

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