Promoted by David Beale, 36 Pleasant View, Withnell, Chorley PR6 8SE on behalf of Martin Powell-Davies of TUSC.

Saturday 17 March 2012

Send in donations to London NUT hardship funds

If you go to the frontpage of the Lewisham NUT website,, you can find a link to an appeal sheet to help support teachers in the greatest financial hardship taking strike action in London on March 28.

With March 28 being a regional strike, there may be greater calls on the fund than in the June and November national strikes as inevitably some teachers may question if they are being asked to take an extra 'hit' on their pay here in London.

I hope that we will ALL be taking strike action together next term too. However, the success - or otherwise - of the London strike may be a significant factor in determining the attitudes of delegates at NUT Conference when they are debating future plans. So the action in London on March 28 can have an important bearing on the whole campaign.

The knowledge that teachers from outside London are prepared to support them morally - and above all financially - will be very important in urging everyone here to join the strike. We haven't got long to make sure we have built that strong support for strike action - so please start sending in those cheques and messages of support straight away!

As hardship funds are organised by NUT Division, and we have little time to consider alternative arrangements, I think colleagues will need to send donations into Divisions, not London NUT centrally.

The Lewisham NUT appeal sheet could be adapted for different Divisions to use - particularly if they are 'twinning' to a particular London Division. However, if because of lack of time, anyone needs an account to send cheques to, 'Lewisham Teachers Association' is happy to accept them. I am sure we can consult with other Divisions about how to distribute funds if, when sent to us, they are marked as intended to support NUT members across London.

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