Promoted by David Beale, 36 Pleasant View, Withnell, Chorley PR6 8SE on behalf of Martin Powell-Davies of TUSC.

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Support the TUSC List in the GLA election


I hope that trade unionists across London will give their support to the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC) electoral challenge in the London-wide ‘top-up’ list section of the Greater London Assembly elections on 3 May 2012.

TUSC believes that these elections provide a real opportunity to elect candidates who will stand out against the pro-cuts consensus from all the main parties. The TUSC challenge has a real chance to succeed in electing at least one assembly member. This would be a real breakthrough for everyone who wants to defend education and public services from cuts and privatisation.

We all know that education is under attack from this Government: council budgets are being cut, schools facing forced privatisation, workload is at intolerable levels - yet young teachers are told they should work until they’re 68! But, shamefully, New Labour's leadership won't oppose these attacks: Ed Balls won't reverse cuts, Stephen Twigg supports Free Schools , Ed Milliband opposes trade unionists striking to defend their pensions. 

As one further example, on March 1st, MPs had the chance to vote against the robbery of thousands of pounds from pensioners in both the public and private sectors through the change from RPI to CPI. Just 33 MPs voted against, with Labour MPs being told by party whips to abstain. 

TUSC believes that we need to show all three main parties that trade unionists and many others want to be represented by people who will offer a real opposition to the attacks on our communities and our public services. We are providing a list of candidates in the London Assembly elections who would be able to do exactly that.

Our list will be headed by Alex Gordon, National President of the RMT Union. Other candidates include April Ashley, UNISON national executive member; Ian Leahair, FBU national executive member; Steve Hedley, RMT London regional organiser, Jenny Sutton, UCU national executive member; Joe Simpson, POA assistant secretary and myself, an NUT national executive member for London; (we are all standing in a personal capacity). 

A full list and further information is available on our website:

TUSC is only standing candidates in the London-wide ‘top-up’ list section, where candidates are elected on the basis of proportional representation. If we win over 5% of the vote across London (about 150,000 votes) we should get at least one candidate elected. If we are able to achieve this, one added bonus will be that the party most likely to be bumped out of the GLA is the far-right BNP. 

As a very new political organisation we have to work extra hard to get across our message of resistance to cuts, respect for working class communities and investment to build a future for ordinary people. I am asking for your help, particularly in publicising that message to teachers and with any personal donations that you could collect.

Please do get in touch if you can help our campaign. I can put you in touch with local TUSC campaign committees being set up in each borough. You are also very welcome at the launch meeting being held on Wednesday 21 March, 7.15pm at 235 Shaftesbury Avenue London WC2H 8EP with Bob Crow as one of the main speakers.

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